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Thomas de Pourquery is an extravagant showman with a flamboyant presence. The man who likes to define himself as a male diva is making a comeback to the spotlight, with his debut album “Let The Monster Fall” an electro-pop album that reflects his charismatic, radiant, and thunderous persona. Accompanied by Yodelice (who is producing the record) and some of his lifelong comrades, the artist reveals himself as a modern crooner, a baroque character capable of igniting a venue with thousands of spectators without letting go of his sunglasses, or a 70s ensemble. He draws inspiration from his idols – The Flaming Lips, Future Islands, and Bon Iver – and unveils very intimate lyrics, some of which were written during his youth.


  • Thomas De Pourquery relases his debut album "Let the monster fall".




  • “Intrépide baroudeur, entré en gravitation au début de ce siècle, le saxophoniste, chanteur et compositeur Thomas de Pourquery explore un univers musical en perpétuelle expansion.”
    Les Inrockuptibles
  • “Accrochez vos ceintures, détendez-vous, fermez les paupières et laissez-vous embarquer. Il ne faudra que quelques mesures à Thomas de Pourquery et son fantastique Supersonic pour vous propulser vers la lune.”

Thomas de Pourquery

Thomas de Pourquery is an extravagant showman with a flamboyant presence. The man who likes to define himself as a male diva is making a comeback to the spotlight, with his debut album “Let The Monster Fall” an electro-pop album that reflects his charismatic, radiant, and thunderous persona. Accompanied by Yodelice (who is producing the record) and some of his lifelong comrades, the artist reveals himself as a modern crooner, a baroque character capable of igniting a venue with thousands of spectators without letting go of his sunglasses, or a 70s ensemble. He draws inspiration from his idols – The Flaming Lips, Future Islands, and Bon Iver – and unveils very intimate lyrics, some of which were written during his youth.


  • Thomas De Pourquery relases his debut album "Let the monster fall".



  • “Intrépide baroudeur, entré en gravitation au début de ce siècle, le saxophoniste, chanteur et compositeur Thomas de Pourquery explore un univers musical en perpétuelle expansion.”
    Les Inrockuptibles
  • “Accrochez vos ceintures, détendez-vous, fermez les paupières et laissez-vous embarquer. Il ne faudra que quelques mesures à Thomas de Pourquery et son fantastique Supersonic pour vous propulser vers la lune.”